/friends/7aWelcome to your  Friends News Page smile

 Our latest news flash to you is  

/friends/7bOur current newsletter to you is HERE


The events we are able to confirm are HERE

If you have any questions, news, event requests or feed back about this new page,  please email your committee at friends@saddleworthmuseum.co.uk

Friends volunteering opportunities
We are always looking for existing Friends to help the committee in both the background (e,g. administration and organisation) and more visible (e.g. selling raffle tickets and collecting entrance fees) activities. Please contact us if you think you can help. If you would like to serve on the committee your nomination form is HERE

General Data Protection Regulation
The data we hold against your membership record has always been safe with us. Until the 24th May 2018 we adhered to the UK Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). On the 25th May the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force and our revised polict is HERE

Gift Aid
Gift Aid allows individuals who are subject to UK income tax to complete, or confirm, a simple, short declaration that they are a UK taxpayer. When you confirm, or tick, the GA box (with the tax payers name) then  Saddleworth Museum (as a registered charity) can make a claim to HMRC which adds approximately 25% to the value of your membership subsciption and any donation.  The short declaration on the reverse of your membership form is HERE. Please, gift aid it if you can!