Welcome to Saddleworth Museum’s Archives

One of our hidden treasures is undoubtedly our archive. We have one of the single richest sources of local history to be found in the north of England. There are maps, photographs, books, deeds, wills, census returns and Parish records and those other physical objects not suitable for collection categorisation. The earliest date back to the late 1500’s. Some of these will have been accessioned (see our Collections page) and others will have our archive record trail. Some are so delicate that can only be handled with gloves etc. in a research environment and often with initial supervision.

Our archive is available by appointment only. Historians, research graduates and members of the public engaged in the family research sessions (see our Events page) are most welcome to make an appointment with our curator. Our curator, learning activity officer and school programmes always have priority access to both our collections and archives.

Saddleworth Museum is also fortunate to have access to thousands of additional photographs outside the official archive in both our museum and private collections that are mostly a social and cultural record, rather than an official historical record, of old Saddleworth. Only our curator has access and the authority to release these into the public domain.

Neither the archive, or the additional photographs, can be photographed or copied or replicated in any way without the express permission of our curator.

Number of items in our archive

Number of images old Saddleworth

An extract from our Galleries page – gallery three slide show

…On the right of this table we are still developing our electronic archive and collections database to view. Unfortunately, this has been “abused” and “mis-used” by members of the visiting public…

As both the caretaker and trustee of our archives and collections the museum is dedicated to preserving, and showcasing, the items under our protection. Whilst we fix the problem above, in the slideshow below, please find a few examples from our archive and photographs.

Archive Database

A view of our archive storyboard in gallery three above the dedicated database workstation. Unfortunately, a couple of visitors (caught on camera) abused and mis-used the networked computer here. We ask for your understanding whilst we try to find a solution. Currently you will need to make an appointment with the curator should you wish to view the database./home/0e

Archive Storyboard

This is our storyboard in gallery three which summarises our archive and what it does. We have one of the single richest sources of local history to be found in the north of England. At the last count around 11,000 items and an additional 12,500 photographs not in the archives.


Archive 1981.699.2 part one

This is the first of three photographs in our archive donated by Mr R Illingworth, Field Top, Dobcross. We do not know the names of the people on the actual parallelogram tricycle or when or where this was taken. We do have an example of the Rudge “Coventry” Rotary Tandem Tricycle c 1885 in gallery one.

Archive 1981.699.2 part two

This is the second of three photographs in our archive donated by Mr R Illingworth, Field Top, Dobcross. We do know that one of the people on the parallelogram tricycle is Perrin Rhodes and it was taken in Diggle but not the date this was taken. We do have an example of the Rudge “Coventry” Rotary Tandem Tricycle c 1885  in gallery one which was owned by Perrin Rhodes.

Archive 1981.699.2 part three

This is the third of three photographs in our archive donated by Mr R Illingworth, Field Top, Dobcross. We do know that one of the people on the parallelogram tricycle is Perrin Rhodes and it was taken in Diggle but not the date this was taken. We do have an example of the Rudge “Coventry” Rotary Tandem Tricycle c 1885 in gallery one which was owned by Perrin Rhodes.

Archive / Photograph example one

From his own extensive photograph archive, our curator Peter Fox, can usually find an example to supplement local publications, in this case “A potted history of Heights Church and Friarmere”/visitor-information/1a

Archive / Photograph example two

From his own extensive photograph archive, our curator Peter Fox, can usually find an example to supplement his own locally published articles or Facebook posts to promote the museum. In this case a “Saddleworth Past Times” article./visitor-information/1a

Archive / Papers example one

One of the “people” featured in gallery one is Ammon Wrigley (shown here). A significant number of objects associated with Ammon are in our collections but we also preserve in our archives his paintings, drawings and writings etc. We even have the minutes from the Friends of Ammon Wrigley society. Just one example where an archive may be a collection of papers associated with one event, person or building

Archive / Drawings example one

Inevitably after the turmoil and loss of life incurred during the 1st World War there was a great need to mark the loss of life in a memorial. Saddleworth was no exception to this and to give it its most prominent position the site for its erection was chosen as Pots and Pans. Local architect A. J. Howcroft was commissioned to design the memorial and this is one of his drawings offering different designs. This would have been a rather grand scheme with its steps and canons