We are currently amid the Covid-19 pandemic and the museum has been closed since March. We need public support more than ever this year. The “Friends” of the Museum have, as usual, been extremely supportive with their annual subscriptions and donations but with the total absence of its’ traditional forms of income, Saddleworth Museum is exploring new avenues. Whilst closed the museum has been developing its’ website so that it is more able to process appointments for when it does re-open.

Today, we re-launch our monthly lottery scheme to the wider public. Since 2009 a group of regular visitors, Friends, volunteers, and supporters have subscribed to an annual lottery scheme which in normally runs from September to August. Originally 200 metal discs (numbers 1 to 200) were produced (hence the scheme name the 200+ club) and members bought a number, or numbers, for the whole year to be entered in the monthly draw. Traditionally the monthly draw is made by a museum trustee during the “Friends” coffee morning on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.  Each number still costs £1 for each month and members can still purchase additional numbers throughout the year on a pro rata basis.

This year, a small break was taken, and the next “year” will be for a 10-month period (November to August) so the “annual” subscription will be £10 per number. 50% of each month’s subscriptions will be paid out in prizes as follows: – 1st Prize 40% of prize money, 2nd Prize 30% of prize money, 3rd Prize 20% of prize money with the remaining 10% accumulating toward an ‘Annual Bonus Draw’ which this year is an Easter draw, to take place on Wednesday 31st March 2021.

Those wishing to join the scheme will need to join in October. The 200+ Club monthly lottery scheme is easy to join.  You can request a joining form by writing to: – The 200+ Club, c/o Saddleworth Museum, High Street, Uppermill, Saddleworth,  OL3 6HS or by email (for an electronic or paper form)  to friends@saddleworthmuseum.co.uk or, fill out the form, join and pay on-line at http://www.saddleworthmuseum.co.uk/ . Once your subscription has been received you will receive confirmation of your subscription and draw number/s.

The monthly winning numbers will be announced on a poster in the museum window, on the museum’s website , Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SaddleworthMuseumAndArtGallery/ and the local press.

Thank you for your support. SADDLEWORTH MUSEUM 200+ CLUB and The Friends of Saddleworth Museum and Gallery

Saddleworth Museum and Gallery is an independent, accredited museum and a registered charity (Reg. No. 5282255)