Christmas Coffee Morning at Saddleworth Museum

Christmas Coffee Morning at Saddleworth Museum

All are welcome to the Saddleworth Museum Christmas Coffee Morning. £2.50 for a pot of tea or cafetière of coffee, and a mince pie or toasted teacake all organised by the “Friends” of the Museum. There will be the normal raffle on the day and a special...
Christmas Raffle Draw

Christmas Raffle Draw

Fantastic prizes (drinks galore and biscuits/cake/chocs for Christmas) in our Christmas Raffle. We make the draw around 3 pm TODAY. The winners will be contacted  and the winning numbers will also be published on this website, our Facebook page and the Saddleworth...
Christmas Raffle £1 a strip of 5 tickets

Christmas Raffle £1 a strip of 5 tickets

Fantastic prizes (drinks galore and biscuits/cake/chocs for Christmas) in our Christmas Raffle. Please help support the museum by buying tickets from reception. £1 for a strip of 5 tickets. The draw will be made on Sunday 15th December around 3 pm.
Christmas Craft Fair

Christmas Craft Fair

A seasonal Craft Fair with Refreshments by the “Friends” held at Saddleworth Museum. ALL WELCOME. Free Admission. A dozen or so artisan type crafts stalls and tables, many with local Saddleworth connections and some from further field. Home crafts and...
Christmas Craft Fair

Christmas Craft Fair

A seasonal Craft Fair with Refreshments by the “Friends” held at Saddleworth Museum. ALL WELCOME. Free Admission. A dozen or so artisan type crafts stalls and tables, many with local Saddleworth connections and some from further field. Home crafts and...